Many of these codes will not work when combined.
This cheat requires the Game Genie cheat device.
Effect | Code |
No damage from monsters, lose no MP for entire party | ATVATGSL |
Don't get attacked in fields or dungeons | ATZOSIAZ |
No AI player control in Chapter 5 battles | YYEXVTGE (cannot switch party members) |
Easily defeat opponents | AELOPPZP (cannot Keeleon in Chapter 4 until Mara and Nara have been defeated) |
Always get treasure chest after battle | APLPPXXZ + ZPLPZZAZ |
Double experience points from battles | AETEYNPA |
Double gold from battles | AAIEKATA |
1 000 000 experience points from battles | APYATAAA |
Start with 25 gold in Chapter 1 | POSOAPZU |
Start with 100 gold in Chapter 1 | GVSOAPZL |
Start with 255 gold in Chapter 1 | NNSOAPZU |
Start with even more gold in Chapter 1 | AIXOZAYS |
Start with 15 hit points in Chapter 1 | YEEXYXLO |
Start with 100 hit points in Chapter 1 | GVEXYXLP |
Start with 255 hit points in Chapter 1 | NNEXYXLO |
Start with final key in Chapter 1 | LNKPLONY |
Start with metal babble sword in Chapter 1 | TEKPLONN |
Start with multi-edge sword in Chapter 1 | LOKPLONY |
Start with thorn whip in Chapter 1 | PEKPLONN |
Start with shield of strength in Chapter 1 | AKKPLONY |
Start with dragon shield in Chapter 1 | LKKPLONY |
Start with final key and chain sickle in Chapter 1 | LNKPLONY + GEKPGONY |
Start with metal babble sword and boomerang in Chapter 1 | TEKPLONN + LEKPGONN |
Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring in Chapter 1 | LOKPLONY + PSKPGONN |
Start with thorn whip and demon hammer in Chapter 1 | PEKPLONN + ZOKPGONY |
Start with shield of strength and meteorite armband in Chapter 1 | AKKPLONY + ASKPGONY |
Start with dragon shield and iron fan in Chapter 1 | LKKPLONY + IEKPGONN |
Start with 50 gold in Chapter 2 | ZUSOPPGT |
Start with 255 gold in Chapter 2 | NNSOPPGV |
Start with lots of gold in Chapter 2 | AIXOZAYS |
Alena starts with 100 hit points in Chapter 2 | GVOZAZAP |
Alena starts with 255 hit points in Chapter 2 | NNOZAZAO |
Start with 16 hit points in Chapter 3 | AOEXTZGP |
Start with 100 hit points in Chapter 3 | GVEXTZGP |
Start with 255 hit points in Chapter 3 | NNEXTZGO |
Start with 100 gold in Chapter 3 | GVSOZPAA |
Start with 255 gold in Chapter 3 | NNSOZPAE |
Start with final key in Chapter 3 | UNUOLONY |
Start with metal babble sword in Chapter 3 | LEUOLONN |
Start with multi-edge sword in Chapter 3 | TOUOLONY |
Start with thorn whip in Chapter 3 | LEUOLONN |
Start with shield of strength in Chapter 3 | PKUOLONY |
Start with dragon shield in Chapter 3 | AKUOLONY |
Start with final key and chain sickle in Chapter 3 | LNUOLONY + GEUOGONY |
Start with metal babble sword and boomerang in Chapter 3 | TEUOLONN + LEUOGONN |
Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring in Chapter 3 | LOUOLONY + PSUOGONN |
Start with thorn whip and demon hammer in Chapter 3 | PEUOLONN + ZOUOGONY |
Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band in Chapter 3 | AKUOLONY + ASUOGONY |
Start with dragon shield and iron fan in Chapter 3 | LKUOLONY + IEUOGONN |
Get Sage's Stone from merchants in Chapter 3 | AVLUAILI |
Start with Zenithian Sword in Chapter 5 | PXOPIONY |
Start with Zenithian Shield in Chapter 5 | GKOPIONY |
Start with Zenithian Armor in Chapter 5 | YUOPIONY |
Start with Zenithian Helmet in Chapter 5 | LKOPIONN |
Start with final key in Chapter 5 | LNOPIONY |
Alena starts with final key | LNKOZONY |
Alena starts with fire claw | ZOKOZONN |
Alena starts with multi-edge sword | LOKOZONY |
Alena starts with thorn whip | PEKOZONN |
Alena starts with final key and fire claw | LNKOZONY + ZOKOLONN |
Alena starts with boomerang | LEKOLONN |
Alena starts with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring | LOKOZONY + PSKOLONN |
Alena starts with thorn whip and demon hammer | PEKOZONN + ZOKOLONY |
Alena starts with shield of strength and meteorite arm band | AKKOZONY + ASKOLONY |
Alena starts with dragon shield and iron fan | LKKOZONY + IEKOLONN |
Brey starts with final key | LNUPLONY |
Brey starts with magma staff | TOUPLONN |
Brey starts with multi-edge sword | LOUPLONY |
Brey starts with thorn whip | PEUPLONN |
Brey starts with shield of strength | AKUPLONY |
Brey starts with dragon shield | LKUPLONY |
Brey starts with final key and magma staff | LNUPLONY + TOUPGONN |
Brey starts with boomerang | LEUPGONN |
Brey starts with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring | LOUPLONY + PSUPGONN |
Brey starts with thorn whip and demon hammer | PEUPLONN + ZOUPGONY |
Brey starts with shield of strength and meteorite arm band | AKUPLONY + ASUPGONY |
Brey starts with dragon shield and iron fan | LKUPLONY + IEUPGONN |
Cristo starts with final key | LNOOLONY |
Cristo starts with metal babble sword | TEOOLONN |
Cristo starts with multi-edge sword | LOOOLONY |
Cristo starts with thorn whip | PEOOLONN |
Cristo starts with shield of strength | AKOOLONY |
Cristo starts with dragon shield | LKOOLONY |
Cristo starts with final key and chain sickle | LNOOLONY + GEOOGONY |
Cristo starts with metal babble sword and boomerang | TEOOLONN + LEOOGONN |
Cristo starts with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring | LOOOLONY + PSOOGONN |
Cristo starts with thorn whip and demon hammer | PEOOLONN + ZOOOGONY |
Cristo starts with shield of strength and meteorite arm band | AKOOLONY + ASOOGONY |
Cristo starts with dragon shield and iron fan | LKOOLONY + IEOOGONN |
Nara starts with 100 hit points in Chapter 4 | GVEXLZZP |
Mara starts with 100 hit points in Chapter 4 | GVEXGZAP |
Nara starts with 255 hit points in Chapter 4 | NNEXLZZO |
Mara starts with 255 hit points in Chapter 4 | NNEXGZAO |
Nara starts with final key | LNXPLONY |
Nara starts with metal babble sword | TEXPLONN |
Nara starts with multi-edge sword | LOXPLONY |
Nara starts with thorn whip | PEXPLONN |
Nara starts with shield of strength | AKXPLONY |
Nara starts with dragon shield | LKXPLONY |
Nara starts with final key and chain sickle | LNXPLONY + GEXPGONY |
Nara starts with metal babble sword and boomerang | TEXPLONN + LEXPGONN |
Nara starts with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring | LOXPLONY + PSXPGONN |
Nara starts with thorn whip and demon hammer | PEXPLONN + ZOXPGONY |
Nara starts with shield of strength and meteorite arm band | AKXPLONY + ASXPGONY |
Nara starts with dragon shield and iron fan | LKXPLONY + IEXPGONN |
Mara starts with final key | LNXOPONY |
Mara starts with magma staff | TOXOPONN |
Mara starts with multi-edge sword | LOXOPONY |
Mara starts with thorn whip | PEXOPONN |
Mara starts with shield of strength | AKXOPONY |
Mara starts with dragon shield | LKXOPONY |
Mara starts with final key and chain sickle | LNXOPONY + GEXOZONY |
Mara starts with metal babble sword and boomerang | TEXOPONN + LEXOZONN |
Mara starts with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring | LOXOPONY + PSXOZONN |
Mara starts with thorn whip and demon hammer | PEXOPONN + ZOXOZONY |
Mara starts with shield of strength and meteorite arm band | AKXOPONY + ASXOZONY |
Mara starts with dragon shield and iron fan | LKXOPONY + IEXOZONN |
Taloon always does funny attacks | AEOUYZGI |
Taloon trips and makes terrific blows in funny attacks | SXXUIXSU + ISXUTXAS |
Taloon always trips and makes terrific blows | AEOUYZGI + SXXUIXSU + ISXUTXAS |
Merchant Army attempts to attack enemy 7 times | YENUZPLA |
Taloon calls Merchant Army in funny attacks | SXXUIXSU + AVXUTXAI |
Taloon always calls Merchant Army | SXXUIXSU + AVXUTXAI + AEOUYZGI |
Taloon will steal from enemy or tell them to calm down in funny attacks | SXXUIXSU + TSXUTXAS |
Taloon will always steal from enemy or tell them to calm down | SXXUIXSU + TSXUTXAS + AEOUYZGI |
Taloon will opt for stealing items rather than telling enemy to calm down | AAXLIXYG + AASLZZZZ |
Taloon will steal from special monsters if opportunity arises | AASUTZTP |
Healie has 255 Agility | NYLPTPZO |
Healie has 255 Maximum HP | NYLOAPLX |
Healie has 255 Maximum MP | NYLPYOTO |
Healie has 255 Attack | NYLOPOPE |
Healie has 255 Defence | NYLOZPGO |
Strom has 255 Agility | NYYOAOAE |
Strom has 255 Maximum HP | NYYOZPZS |
Strom has 255 Attack | NYYOLOZU |
Strom has 255 Defence | NYYOGPPX |
Laurent has 255 Agility | NYTPZPZO |
Laurent has 255 Maximum HP | NYTPGOZU |
Laurent has 255 Maximum MP | NYTPLPGK |
Laurent has 255 Attack | NYTPIOGO |
Laurent has 255 Defence | NYTPTOPO |
Orin has 255 Agility | NYGOGPZO |
Orin has 255 Maximum HP | NYGOTOYS |
Orin has 255 Attack | NYGOYPZS |
Orin has 255 Defence | NYIPAOLX |
Hector has 255 Agility | NNAOTOZO |
Hector has 255 Maximum HP | NNPPAPAV |
Hector has 255 Attack | NNPPPOZU |
Hector has 255 Defence | NNPPZOYX |
Panon has 255 Agility | NNZPGPTX |
Panon has 255 Maximum MP | NNZPIOAO |
Panon has 255 Maximum HP | NNZPTPIS |
Panon has 255 Attack | NNZPYOAS |
Panon has 255 Defence | NNZOAPIU |
Lucia has 255 Agility | NNLOZPAS |
Lucia has 255 Maximum HP | NNLOGOKO |
Lucia has 255 Maximum MP | NNLOLPKU |
Lucia has 255 Attack | NNLOIOYS |
Lucia has 255 Defence | NNLOTPPS |
Doran has 255 Agility | NNIPAPLX |
Doran has 255 Attack | NNIPLPUK |
Doran has 255 Defence | NNIPGPEX |
Items at Casino prize counter won’t use your money but you must have enough potential money to buy them | ELLXSPST + LPLXVOSY |
All random encounters with wandering merchants | AAPPOSLP + AAPOEIGP + AAPONSIA |
Inflict “terrific blows†upon attack | AEKOLNLA |
Non-AI controlled characters will inflict 10 times normal damage when told to fight | IGNAAGLG |
AI controlled characters will inflict 10 times normal damage if fighting | IKEOIILG |
Non-AI controlled characters will inflict earthquake when told to fight | SINAAGLK (Do not use in final battle) |
All characters can perform Taloon’s attacks | AEOLPZZT |
Sage's Stone will give fighting members maximum HP and remain after use | UOSPZAEX |
Taloon's Merchant Army will attack selected group upon use of Sword of Malice | OXUOYEVE |
Sword of Malice inflicts blaze of up to 100 points of damage when used in battle | YKUOYEVE |
Sword of Malice inflicts icy gust wind of up to 140 points of damage when used in battle | ZSUOYEVA |
All enemies lose MP upon use of Staff of Antimagic in battle | XSUOPEEE |
Body armour disappears upon use of Staff of Jubilation in battle | VUUOTESA |
Able to use any weapon or armour | AAGAEOYP |
Keep the Flying Shoes, Iron Safe, and Sphere of Silence at the end of their chapters | AVAOGEOZ |
Fight harder enemies around Endor in Chapter 5 | AAXOOGIP |
To hear different music in the Overworld, find all seven chosen ones (Ragnar, Alena, Brey, Cristo, Taloon, Nara, and Mara) and Chapter 5. Then, when you place each one as leader, different music will play:
Character | Music |
Ragnar | Chapter 1 music |
Alena | Chapter 2 music |
Brey | Chapter 2 music |
Cristo | Chapter 2 music |
Taloon | Chapter 3 music |
Nara | Chapter 4 music |
Mara | Chapter 4 music |
Hero | New music (will play old music if he/she is only person in party) |
To obtain the Sword of Malice, work for the boss in your hometown while playing Chapter 3, Taloon's Chapter. Continue working and eventually a person will appear wanting to sell you the sword. It may take some time, but will eventually happen.
In Chapter 3 (Taloon's Chapter), walk around at night and you will find a man at night or day selling items.
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