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Nuon FAQ

**            NUON FAQ                               *           *       **
**            Ver. 1.2                             *   *     ****  *     **
**         16/August/2004                         *     *   *****   *    **
**Compiled and Maintained by Yan Proulx          *       *   ***     *   **
**                    *          *          *  **
**   With the precious help of the                                       **
** forum members                                      **

***YES!! you can play too with your DVD player!!!!****

Table of content:
1 General
1.0 History of NUON technology?
1.1 What is NUON?
1.2 In which different device we found the NUON technology?
1.2.1 What a NUON can do and which performance does it have?
1.3 Manufacturers, models? What included in the box?
1.4 VLM? what is that?

2 Peripherals
2.0 What kind of peripheral we can use on NUON DVD player?
2.1 Peripherals Manufacturers list and products?
2.2 Does memory card for saving game exist?
2.3 Where I can purchase peripherals?

3 Games and movies
3.0 How many game was made specifically for the NUON?
3.1 Game list (available and cancelled)
3.2 Homebrew games and programs
3.2.1 Demo disk
3.3 Whats different in NUON enhanced movie?
3.4 How many DVD movie use the NUON capabilities
3.4.1 NUON Enhanced Movie list
3.4.2 NUON enhenced movies easter eggs
3.5 Interactive DVD games?
3.6 Interactive DVD games list
3.7 Games cheat and Codes
3.8 Where to buy games?
3.8.1 And what about Iron Soldier3?
3.8.2 And what about The Next Tetris?

4 Technical
4.0 How many version of the NUON chip?
4.1 Which model have those ver of the NUON chip?
4.1.1 NUON processor base specification (Aries1)
4.1.2 DVD Model Specification.
4.2 Can we be able to play Pal on NTSC or vice versa
    (movies and NUON/interactive games)
4.3 Are they zone free?
4.3.1 Region hack (movies)
4.4 N64 controller for NUON?
4.4.1 Diagnostic screen with modified N64 controller for NUON?
4.5 Logitech gamepad for NUON modification?
4.6 How to burn CDR to play in my NUON DVD player (homebrew program)
4.7 Sound out of synch?
4.8 Samsung DVD-N501 bios upgrade.
4.9 Problems with Planet Of The Apes NUON features?
4.9.1 Problem to play other movies?
4.10 Blue stand by led modification for Samsung N501
4.11 Whats the bug inside IS3 and in what it affect the game?
4.12 RCA DRC300N doesnt play NUON game?
4.13 Wich is the best NUON DVD player?

5 Links
6 Memorablia
7 Credit


***SECTION 1 General***

1.0 History of NUON technology?

1.1 What is NUON
    Nuon is a media processor. The NUON chip for instance replace near all
the dumb (and fixed)circuitry inside a regular DVD player and can provide more
special effects, more function and is programmable. So a DVD player with a NUON
chip inside do not just decode MPEG, but can do a lot more for less money. And
the NUON processor is (it seem) easy to program.Nuon is an enhanced DVD players
making them Total Interactive Entertainment Centers. The Nuon boasts playing
DVD’s with more interactivity, better sound quality, and brings gaming to the
world of DVD’s. Keep in mind that the Nuon has transformed from a gaming system,
to a DVD player that plays games, and music.The Nuon was originaly dubbed
"The Mario Killer" as the first teasers of the system showed Mario's hat in a
puddle of blood by a big X (the system was still known as Project X at that
time). Games avaible at the machine's launch include Monopoly®, Tempest 3000TM
, Myst®, The Next Tetris DLX, Merlin Racing, and Balistic.

1.2 In which different devices we can found NUON tech?

    NUON technologie can be applied to anything , but is specialy designed
to use in cell phone, DVD player, set top box etc. For now, it has invaded the
DVD player market.

1.2.1 What a NUON can do and which performance does it have?

1.3 Manufacturers , models and what is included in the box?

-Streamaster 5000 (set top box)

-DVD900 (unreleased)

Raite Optoelectronics:
-RDP-741 (?)

RCA (Thomson multimedia):
-DRC300N  (doesnt play NUON game)
-DRC480N (unreleased)

-DVD-N504 (Asia/European only)
-DVD-N505 (Asia/European only)
-DVD-N591  eXTIVA(Korean)
-DVD-N705  eXTIVA(unreleased)


1.4 VLM? what is that?

By Llamasoft VLM1 (Atari Jaguar) VLM2 (NUON) Virtual Light Machine  built in

***SECTION 2 Peripherals***

2.0 What kind of peripheral we can use on NUON DVD player?

2.1 Peripherals Manufacturer list and products
*Product name                         Mfg Part#
Eleven Engeneering Incorporated:

*AirPlay wireless RF controller      Unreleased
This was supposed to be the first wireless controller for the NUON.Was expected
 to be released in Q1 2001

H.P.I. (Hot Product Peripherals):

Note: Originallyy it seem that HPI collaborate in the production or development
with NYKO Industries

*NUON Standard Memory Card           HPI-MEM (unreleased)
This was supposed to be THE memory card for saving the progress of NUON games
(expected Q1 2002).Capacity range from 2 MB to 4 MB .

*Pro-Elite analog/digital controler  HPI-6000 (unreleased)
This controller was designed with a slot for a "visual memory card a la"
Dreamcast VMU (expected Q1 2002).Come with a digital D-Pad and analog ministick.

*Warrior Digital Gamepad             HPI-2000
This is the basic NUON gamepad. Only have a digital D-Pad. Also come standard
with the Samsung DVD-N2000 Extiva. HPI model are black with burgundy buttons,
Samsung model black with blue-grey button and Samsung logo in place of HPI one.

*Stealth Gamepad                     HPI-4000-BLA/HPI-4000-BLU
Come in black or translucend blue. Have a digital D-pad and an analog ministick.
Look similar to the N64's. Also have a Z-trigger button.

*Port Replicator                     HPI-PR
This one duplicate the game port on your NUON DVD player. With this, you can
connect your controllers without the obligation to let the door of your home
theater open.

*Cable Extension                     HPI-EXTCABL
You dont understand this one?


*Wingman controller pad for NUON    963248-0403
Everyone know Logitech good reputation. One of the most comfortable and good
looking controller for the NUON. But have it's flaw. The analog mini-stick seem
to have a problem of interference with the pad case causing not full movement
of the stick.


*NUON digital controller
Should be included with the Samsung DVD-N591 Korean. Look like a Playstation
controller without the two analog mini-stick. Come with only a digital D-pad.

2.2 Does memory card for saving game exist?

    No. For now you have generally to enter some code or password to remember
your progress.

2.3 Where I can purchase peripherals?  and other online retailer have some Logitech Wingman NUON
in stock. For HPI controllers you will have to go on their website. Or at last

***SECTION 3 Games and Movies***

3.0 How many game was made specifically for the NUON?

3.1 Game list
Title                         Developer          Publisher         Genre Release

Ballistic (available       Mitchell Corp         Infogrames       puzzle
only with Samsung N2000
 and N501)
Crayon Shin-Chan             Okiyasu Lab        Okiyasu Lab side scroll/platform
Freefall 3050 A.D.       Total Arkade Software  DVD International shooter
Iron Soldier 3          Eclipse Software Design DVD International shooter
Merlin Racing              Miracle Design       DVD International racing
Next Tetris, The           Digital Element        Toshiba         puzzle
(demo disk with
Toshiba player only)
Space Invaders XL       Matahari Studios/Taito  DVD International
Tempest3000                     VM Labs        Hasbro Interactive shooter

In development

Decaying Orbit      DSI (Dragon Shadow Industries)                shooter

Unreleased (some almost finished)
Title                     Developer           Publisher           Genre  Release
aMaze                  Fungus Amungus      DVD International   tumble maze
Breakout             Hasbro Interactive	     Infogrames
Bowling 2000       Adrenalin Interactive
Bugdom	               Hoplite Reasearch
Bust a Move        Matahari Studios/Taito  DVD International
Cabinet of Jillian   Hyperspace Cowgirls
Johnson, The                  ?
Cupcat               Hyperspace Cowgirls
Dracula Unleashed     Infinite Ventures
Elevate Your Golf  Convergence Sport Media
Game of Life,       The Matahari Studios/  DVD Inter/Infogrames
                      Hasbro Interactive
Geo-Beaties          Hyperspace Cowgirls
Interactive Rocky   On-Line Entertainment
Horror Show
Iron Soldier        Eclipse Soft Design    DVD International
(fixed ver)
Monopoly              Hoplite Research     DVD Inter/Infogrames
Myst                  Hoplite Research     DVD International
The Mayan Adventure      Activision           Activision
Pong                  Matahari Studios          VMlabs
Power Excavator              ?                                  construction sim
Power Shovel       Taito/Miracle Designs
RC de GO!          Taito/Miracle Designs
Riven                      Cyan
Shangai              Matahari Studios      Activision/VMlabs
Mahjongg Essentials
Sorry                Matahari Studios           VMlabs
Speedball 2100       Bitmap Brothers
Star Trek: Invasion     Activision            Activision
Titan3	            Tiertex Design Studios
Trillbee           Hyperspace Cowgirls
zCards	                    Softeq

3.2 Homebrew games and programs

	Yes, you can develop yourself NUON games and utilities. Here is the list
of known homebrew program and game made for your NUON DVD player. Keep in mind
that ONLY the Samsung DVD-N501 can play those homebrew.

Homebrew games/utilities programs

Ambient Monsters
Atari 800 emulator
Atari 2600 PacMan
Chomp (PacMan clone)
Doom (shareware PC version)
PacMan tournament Edition


NUON SDK development tool for PC
NUON emulator for PC

3.2.1 Demo Disk

	Some DVD players come with demo disk. The Samsung DVD-N2000 Extiva come
with the Spring 2000 Sampler demo disk. Toshiba come with a mail-in card to
obtain free The Next Tetris sampler demo disk.

3.3 Whats different in NUON enhanced movie?

3.4 How many DVD movie use the NUON capabilities

3.4.1 NUON Enhanced movies

Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, The
Dr. Dolittle 2
Planet of the Apes, The

3.4.2 NUON enhenced movies easter eggs

3.5 Interactive DVD games?

3.6 DVD interactive game
    (no NUON required...that's more game to add to your NUON DVD player!)

Game list
Title                          Developer           Publisher            Genre

Dragon's Lair                                   Digital Leisure inc.
Dragon's Lair 2: Timewarp                       Digital Leisure inc.
Gravity Angels                                  DVD International
Hologram Time Traveler                          Digital Leisure inc.
Kiss Immortals
Mad Dog McCRee                                  Digital Leisure inc.
Space Ace                                       Digital Leisure inc.
Tender Loving care           Aftermath Media    Digital Leisure inc.
Who Shot Johny Rock?                            Digital Leisure inc.

3.7 Game cheats and codes

You can link here:

or read this section.

Freefall 3050 A.D.
Here is the first set of passwords for Freefall on Normal difficulty, starting
with mission 1 :
mission 1 "WE",mission 2 "NEED",mission 3 "TO",mission 4 "THINK"
For Hard difficulty: mission1 "UP",mission 2 "SOME",mission 3 "PASS",mission 4
Thanks to Micheal Olshansky for those.

The first four passwords are for normal difficulty. You have to input these
passwords separately to unlock each mission.
To open the 'cheats' menu, go to the title screen and press:
Level/Mission select cheat!: Use this code to select ANY mission you wish within

After you have activated the cheat menu,(stay on the title screen) press:
B 4 times, L 4 times,
then R 4 times. Goto 'Select/Start mission' and there now will be a option for
level select!
    Freefall designer Tony Takoushi has provided several tips for the game, I
quote him from his posts on the NUON Forum:

    General Freefall Strategy from Tony T.

    "Mission 3 battlecruiser is my fave too :) I'm glad you sweated the cruiser
as I designed it so that people playing for the first few times would run VERY
 close to the wire in terms of defeating the cruiser (the last 200 to 400 feet)"

    "Getting Arielle can be tricky but general pointers: If she goes into a dive
then dive straight down after her and keep diving until you hit her. If she is
too far away try moving AWAY from her (straight back..)"

    "Also if she has dived you can airbrake to drop slower and position yourself
ABOVE her as she comes back up so she hits you!"

    "On skyfall 3 you can just move in a pyramid to avoid most enemies
(OK boring, but guarantees you safe passage)."

    "On Gateway 3 float over the thermal and count to 10 saying 1001, 1002 in
your head etc..) then for the other gates count to 6 using 1001 etc.."

    "You must anticipate the time you will need to drop down to the gate from
the thermal, if you come off it at 10 you will fail, try coming off around half
to three quarters of the count needed.."

    "I put a twist into each main mission objective so that just as you think
you have done it something crops up.. Thus the brainwash on the girl and the
firewall chasing you in Cybercity (it does not matter which way up you are
diving(head first or feet first)as both positions drop at the same speed (160
with auto airbrake) so you can look up the tunnel to see the firewall get
ever closer..."

    "Gateway 4 is my favourite, it is so intense..if the electric balls at the
top are chewing ya butt try going horizontal and airbraking all the time while
 shooting them continuously.."

  "Don't try to avoid them, psyche them out with airbrakes and let'em have it!!"

    Endzone 1 tips

    "The Endzones are very different they are slow and strategic as you have

    "To beat the first endzone you need to use the yellow thermal towards the
the top right corner of the zone."

    "Go on this BUT be careful you do not go into the next row where the homing
mine is protecting the rear of the zone (including the landing pad itself)."

    "When you are at your maximum height (around 42 feet) THEN hold down the
airbrakes to lift you even higher, wait until the airbrakes are half way thru
the yellow section on the gauge(this extra airbrake helps you float across
the whole width of the endzone) and then float across the endzone to the other
(opposite)wall (you MUST go straight across otherwise the thermals will blow
you back to the front of the Endzone(where you came in). You MUST keep holding
the airbrake as you dirft across to the other wall or you will fall short and
get blown back. Don't worry about them overheating as you will reach the far
wall by then."

    "When you get there drop back a couple of rows and use the thermal there to
 rise up and then airbrake up again and float down to get the shield pick-up."

    "With this go back to the yellow thermal in the top right corner and
activate it (by pressing buttons A and B together)and build up and hold the
airbrakes BEFORE diving for the landing pad as the homing mine will hit you
almost instantly as you cross into its rear protection area."

    Endzone 3 tips

"I realised I forgot to mention that you can bypass the impossible looking first
 row of thermals by going to the far right hand side (basically touch the wall)
 and push forward through the gap between the thermal edge and the wall.."

Iron Soldier 3

Look here: (Jeff Minter's personal

* Level Passwords:


Skill Level   Easy


Merlin Racing

Adventure Mode Passwords
GJNPEFED - 6 Keys, 1 Special Key
JZPOAEPJ - 6 Keys, 1 Special Key, 1 Zystral Crystal
ISHTVOYU - 7 Keys, 1 Special Key, 1 Zystral Crystal
KCCDFWOP - 8 Keys, 1 Special Key, 1 Zystral Crystal
KJHLWKDB - 9 Keys, 1 Special Key, 1 Zystral Crystal
LNTWTDBR - 10 Keys, 1 Special Key, 1 Zystral Crystal
KQBUHDZP - 11 Keys, 2 Special Keys, 1 Zystral Crystal
FYWWJSGT - 11 Keys, 2 Special Keys, 2 Zystral Crystals
JATSCFKW - 12 Keys, 2 Special Keys, 2 Zystral Crystals
IIJIWOFR - 13 Keys, 2 Special Keys, 2 Zystral Crystals
LXPWFLSY - 14 Keys, 2 Special Keys, 2 Zystral Crystals
KKGUALPW - 15 Keys, 2 Special Keys, 2 Zystral Crystals
BTVBUFKC - 16 Keys, 3 Special Keys, 2 Zystral Crystals
LFTMWSUC - 16 Keys, 3 Special Keys, 3 Zystral Crystals
JKHFUBPR - 17 Keys, 3 Special Keys, 3 Zystral Crystals
FXJLKXWA - 18 Keys, 3 Special Keys, 3 Zystral Crystals
EKFVLZKH - 19 Keys, 3 Special Keys, 3 Zystral Crystals
JHMIATSU - 20 Keys, 3 Special Keys, 3 Zystral Crystals
BBFDYNIO - 21 Keys, 4 Special Keys, 3 Zystral Crystals
AIGWLYBT - 21 Keys, 4 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
DJUFAWXP - 22 Keys, 4 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
MCWQSGRI - 23 Keys, 4 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
EGWQNGKY - 24 Keys, 4 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
KSDXXHVU - 25 Keys, 4 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
AALZCDUA - 26 Keys, 4 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
NRLCCYCW - 27 Keys, 5 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
FAVBRWFM - 27 Keys, 5 Special Keys, 4 Zystral Crystals
I originally forgot to write down what each password gave you, so thanks to
Tempest X000 for that part of the list.

If you want a super boost when you start the race, wait until the counter hits
the thrid red light then press and hold the acceleration button.

Cut as many corners as possible. On some tracks you may notice that while some
parts look like you'd have to turn, but if you look closely you can almost go
straight through.

Play as Merlin! Enter the password 'MAGICIAN' You can play as Merlin in any mode
except for Adventure mode.

Space Invaders 2001

Tempest 3000

Tempest 3000 Level Passwords
Level Password English Translation
17 MAMOG (n.) dam, sheep with young
19 DAFAD (n.) sheep; wart
21 GAFR (n.) goat
23 BUWCH (n.) cow
25 CWRW (n.) ale, beer
27 DEFAID see dafad above
29 YCHEN (n.) ox
31 LLAITH (n.) death, (adj.) damp, moist
33 ANIFAIL (n.) animal, beast
35 BWYSTFIL (n.) beast
37 CNAIF (n.) shearing, fleece
39 GWLANOEDD (n.) wool
41 HWRDD (n.) impulse, stroke
43 FFWR (n.) fur
45 CARNAU (n.) cairn, (n.) hoof; hilt, haft, handle
47 GWARTHEG (pl.) cows, cattle
49 CEILIAU (pl.) (n.) see "cail": sheepfold, flock of sheep
51 CLOREN (n.) rump, tail
53 CYMRAEG (n.) Welsh Language
55 CWMCYCH (n.) Welsh Town Yak mentions on site
57 PENCADER (n.) Welsh Town. Pen: head, top; cadair: seat or caer: fort
59 ALLTWALIS (n.) Welsh Town also known as Dyfed(?) or in Dyfed(?)
61 HESBIN (n.) yearling ewe
63 HWYL (n.) sail; humor; religious fervor
65 SAIS (n.) Saxon, Englishman
67 LLOEGR (n.) England
69 TYMESTL (n.) tempest, storm
71 GWLAD (n.) country, land
73 AFFLIW (n.) shred, particle
75 COCH (adj.) red
77 GWYRDD (adj.) green
79 GLAS (n.) blue
81 TAFARN (n.) tavern, pub, inn, public-house
83 BWCH (n.) buck
85 GORMOD (n., adj., adv.) too much, too many, excess
87 CROESO (n.) welcome, you're welcome
89 GWLANENNOG (adj.) woolly
91 TARW (n.) bull
93 CYFRIFIADUR (n.) computer
95 FFENESTRI (n.) window
97 LLYGODEN (n.) mouse
99 PINCFLOYD (n.) Pink Floyd
101 GWE (n.) web, texture
103 CHWARAE (n.) play
105 AERFA (n.) slaughter; battle
107 BREINTAL (n.) bonus, royalty
109 AFRWYDD (adj.) difficult, stiff, awkward, clumsy
111 POETH (adj.) hot; burning, ardent
113 NEWYDD (adj.) new, novel; fresh
115 BODIAU (n.) thumb; toe
117 BUGAIL (n.) shepherd, pastor
119 GWAITH (n.) time; work
121 LEFEL (n.) level
123 DRAIG (n.) dragon
125 HYFEDR (adj.) expert, skillful (skilful), clever, adroit
127 GORAU (adj.) best 129 NOSDAFLOSSIE
129    NOSDAFLOSSIE ()Nose Of Flossie? - Access Algo Levels
Tempest Codes!!
Partial Invincibilty cheat code - CHUPACABRA. This makes you invincible to all
enemies except the lightning bolts of Pulsars and Frank Zappers.

GOATIEST - Not sure
FLIPPER - Flip the between level bonus grahpics upside down
RIMSTALKER-BOMBE - Haven't had a chance to try yet

I'll post more as soon as I find them!

(Very special thanks to Wasted for the T3k passwords!)
    Now, if you know Tempest you also should know that it is hardly a game that
accepts strategy.
There are a few tips which could benefit you, if you are new to Tempest.

First off, your best chance of staying alive is to keep as many enemies away
from the web as possible.In other words, kill everything. On later levels,
obtaining as much fuel as you can for your hover ability is essential. Be
careful with Homing Missles and Frank Zappers, as if you are not careful, you
may shoot the Frank Zapper with a missle and then cross over the line as it
fires and then you're fragged.

3.8 Where to buy games?

	You can buy game on DVD International web site and

3.8.1 And what about Iron Soldier 3?

	Iron Soldier 3 was sold at first with a bug. The publisher was supposed to
fix the problem and ship in store the bug free version. In the same time
retailer was supposed to return all the bugged version to the publisher. But the
publisher never released the bug free version and some of the buggy version
remaining was sold to some happy customer who are aware of the fact that it have
 a bug inside.

3.8.2 And what about The Next Tetris?

	The Next Tetris is only available with the purchase of a Toshiba SD2300
NUON player. You have to fill in a mail offer card to obtain your copy of
the game.

***SECTION 4 Technical***

4.0 How many version of the NUON chip?

	To date, 3 commercially produced version exist. The Aries1, Aries2 and Aries3.

4.1 Which model have those ver of the NUON chip?
	  Aries1				Aries2			Aries3
Samsung DVD-N2000 eXTIVA          Samsung DVD-N501       RCA DRC300N
    Toshiba SD2300                                    Samsung DVD-N504
                                                      Samsung DVD-N505

4.1.1 NUON processor base specification (Aries1)

NUON Specs

NUON™ Media Processor Specifications:

Over 1,500 MIPS
216 Million 32-Bit Multiply-Accumulate Operations per Second
864 Million 16-Bit Multiply-Accumulate Operations per Second
13.5 Million (4x4) x (4x1) Matrix Transformations per Second
(32-Bit Elements)

Firmware and Library Specifications:

Digital Video

MPEG-2 MP@ML Audio/Video Decode
Video Scaling, Zoom, Picture in Graphics
DVD Subpicture
Graphics Overlays

Digital Audio

Dolby™ AC-3, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, LPCM, PCM
3D Spatializer™, ProLogic™
DVD Audio, MP3, DTS™
SPDIF Output
ADPCM and PCM Sample Playback
32-Voice General MIDI Wavetable Synthesizer Full MIDI Sample
Advanced Karaoke: Reverb, Chorus, Echo, Flange, Key Control,
Vocal Partnering, Harmony

2-D Graphics
MML2D - Full Featured 2D Graphics Library

2-D Drawing Functions (Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Arc, Polygon,
Support for Various Line Styles, Widths, Gradient Blends,
Real Time Scaled and Compressed Fonts, TrueType™ Outline
16 Million Colors, Alpha Blending With 256 Levels of

3-D Graphics
MGL 3D Graphics Library

Patterned After Computer Graphics Industry Standard OpenGL™
Bilinear Filtering, Perspective Correct Texture Mapping
Automatic Mip-Mapping, Lighting

M3DL 2D/3D Graphics Library

Console-Style Library Familiar to Console Game Programmers
2D Sprites & Tiles, Bilinear Filtering 3D Graphics
Perspective Correct Texture Mapping, Mip-Mapping

Caviar™Voxel Graphics Library

Non-Polygonal 3D Library

Audio Libraries
Wavetable Synthesizer

Full Featured General MIDI Compatible
Automatic MIDI File Parsing
Voice Editor Allows Creation of Application-Specific Wavetable
Low-Level API Access

PCM Engine

Plays Digital Audio Samples
Choice of Sample Rates
Supports ADPCM Formats, Digital Audio Streaming

4.1.2 DVD Model Specification.

	Here is the spec sheet.




4.2 Can we be able to play Pal on NTSC or vice versa (movies and NUON and
    interactive games)

4.3 Are they zone free?

4.3.1 Region hack (movies)

	Head here:

or here is the trick with Samsung DVD-N501 and N2000 eXTIVA by Marcelo Donoso:

Use an Aiwa Hifi Remote Control...
1. Turn on the N-501 (without any DVD on the player)
2. Wait until in the TV appears "No Disc"
3. Open the tray and put a DVD from other region (not zone 1), don't close the
4. On the remote control of the Aiwa press the "Clock" button, in some remote
   control you must do a button combination like "Shift+9" (Is the combination
   to see the clock, do the combination fast), and in other model of Aiwa remote
   control doesn't appear the clock button, you must try with the "random"
5. If you do it right, in the corner of TV where appears "No Disc" will be say
   "Region Free", in the Player Screen say "ADJUST" and the tray must close,
   and you are ready to enjoy the movie on your player.
6. your DVD is now REGION FREE until you turn it off, while you don't turn it
   off, you can change movies whatever times you want.if you turn it off, every
   time you turn it on, you must do all the steps again to be able to see other
   region movies.



I live in Chile (zone 4) and the DVD N-501 Nuon is zone 1,and i own a N-501 zone
1 that i bought in the USA.My brother bought an Aiwa NSX200, i use the remote
control of the Aiwa(model RC-AAS11),I turned on the player and press the "Clock"
(in the nsx200 remote is Shift+9, do it fast, almost at the same time)(i tried
 with another Aiwa HiFi remote and it work too) button on the "Aiwa Remote
Control", in the front panel say "ADJUST" and the drawer pops open, and on the
tv appears "Region Free" in the left-up corner, Just for a little moment, then
i put a DVD zone 4 that i rent (Aliens) and it work, i tried with a DVD Zone 3,
 and also works
The only problem that you need to do this every time that you turn off and on
the DVD player . It's a little annoying, but the reward is huge...
Also works with N709 (only that N709 is PAL) and Extiva N2000, i tried with
those too, and it works!!!


4.4 N64 controller for NUON?

4.4.1 Diagnostic screen with modified N64 controller for NUON?

4.5 Logitech gamepad for NUON modification?

4.6 How to burn CDR to play in my NUON DVD player (homebrew program)

4.7 Sound out of synch?

4.8 Samsung DVD-N501 bios upgrade.

	Head to Samsung website or www.nuon-dome in the download section. Currently the
downloadable version is .52 . But the most up to date version is .53 and is only
included in the last run of N501.

4.9 Problems with Planet Of The Apes NUON features?

4.9.1 Problem to play other movies?
Shallow Hall Blade II and the second disk

4.10 Blue stand by led modification for Samsung N501

4.11 Whats the bug inside IS3 and in what it affect the game?

4.12 RCA DRC300N doesnt play NUON game?

	No. It seem to have an incompatibility with commercial game created especially
for the NUON Voluntary or not...we suspect voluntary because the RCA dont have any
gamepad port. But homebrew game and program seem to work correctly.

4.13 Wich is the best NUON DVD player?

	We will not discuss of this here since it's not the scope of this FAQ. Read on
 the caracteristic of player and choose the one whos best suited for your use.

***SECTION 5 Links***

Official site:
NUON home page
VMlabs homepage or
other official link that are dead now:
official homepage
official VMlabs development site
official VMlabs message board

Fan site:
NUON dome
IONgames (Castle NUON)
NUON eternal
NUON Interactive board
Station NUON

Motorola (Streamaster)
Raite Optronics
VMlabs (closed) now look at (NUON Alumni)
DVD International

Game developper site:


Games site:
Decaying Orbit

Message board:
(the most active)
NUON dome
Iongames forum
NUON reactor yahoo group
NUON Interactive board
NUON dev forum
NUON Eternal

IRC and chat room:

NUON dome
NUON Eternal
IRC channel server:  port:6667 room: #nuondome


None to date


***SECTION 6 Memorablia***

You can find sometime things NUON related on Ebay. But here is some links to
purchase some of these items directly:


-Shirt,Coffee mug, mouse pad etc:
You can go to or go directly here:

-Various document (pics and files) CDRom from VMlabs days
go here:
or contact Donald A. Thomas Jr at with "Photograph inquiry"
as subject

7.0 Credits

The only credit I deserve here is to had took time to search and compile all
those info into one easy to read text file.

All other credit goes particulary to Kevin Manne ( and
 his site from where I borrowed 80% of the info of this FAQ

And to all those members at NUON dome who take time to answer my questions and
 help me in completing this FAQ

Also, thanks to the peoples who take care of my grammar...since I'm a poor
english writer.

This is still a work in progress!!

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