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Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

Cheats, codes, hints, tips, tricks, Easter eggs and game help

Fight as U.S. Agent

To fight as U.S. Agent, highlight Vega (M. Bison), then hold Start and press any Punch or Kick button. U.S.Agent's uniform will be grey if a Punch button was pressed, or green if a Kick button was pressed. Alternatively, hold Start, highlight Vega (M. Bison), hold Up for five seconds, then press Jab and Fierce together or Short and Roundhouse together.

Fight as Armoured Spider-Man

To fight as Armoured Spider-Man, highlight Spider-Man, then hold Start and press any Punch or Kick button. Alternatively, hold Start, highlight Ryu, hold Down for five seconds, then press Jab and Fierce together or Short and Roundhouse together.

Fight as Mega Zangief

To fight as Mega Zangief, highlight Blackheart, then hold Start and press any Punch or Kick button. Alternatively, hold Start, highlight Blackheart, hold Left for five seconds, then press Jab and Fierce together or Short and Roundhouse together.

Fight as Mephisto

To fight as Mephisto, highlight Omega Red, then hold Start and press any Punch or Kick button. Mephisto's colour will be different depending on whether Punch or Kick was pressed. Alternatively, hold Start, highlight Omega Red, hold Down for five seconds, then press Jab and Fierce together or Short and Roundhouse together.

Fight as Shadow Charlie

To fight as Shadow Charlie, highlight Dhalsim, then hold Start and press any Punch or Kick button. Alternatively, hold Start, highlight Dhalsim, hold Up for five seconds, then press Jab and Fierce together or Short and Roundhouse together.

Fight as Mega Sakura

To fight as Mega Sakura, highlight Hulk, then hold Start and press any Punch or Kick button. Alternatively, hold Start, highlight Hulk, hold Right for five seconds, then press Jab and Fierce together or Short and Roundhouse together.

Fight as Grey Hulk

To fight as Grey Hulk, enable the "Fight as Mega Sakura" code by highlighting Hulk, then hold Start and press any Punch or Kick button. Alternatively, hold Start, highlight Hulk, hold Right for five seconds, then press Jab and Fierce together or Short and Roundhouse together. Now, choose Mega Sakura as your fighter and Hulk as her partner. This colour code should be universal for all characters.

Fight against Mech-Gouki

To fight against Mech-Gouki, successfully complete arcade and survival mode once. After completing highlight survival mode, press L or R. The phrase "Mech-Gouki now!!" will appear before the match begins.

Fight as Mech-Gouki

To fight as Mech-Gouki, you must first successfully defeat him. To select him in arcade or versus mode, highlight Gouki and press Start with any button. Keep Start held, highlight Gouki again, and press any button. Mech-Gouki is able to execute the raging demon move while in the air.

Fight as same character

For a match where both players are the same character, successfully complete the game once. The same character may then be chosen by both players on the character selection screen.

Alternative Chun-Li costume

For an alternative costume for Chun-Li, highlight Chun-Li on the character selection screen, then hold Start and press any button.

Exploding Dan

For an exploding Dan, hold WP after selecting Dan as your first character. Release the button after the word "Fight" disappears.

Extra jumps for Norimaro

To enable Norimaro to jump four times in the air, select Norimaro, then press WK, MP and HK simultaneously at the versus screen until the round begins.

Faster game speed

To increase game play speed, select any character, then hold WK, MK and HK simultaneously until the word "Fight" disappears.

Change order of characters in versus mode

To change the order of characters in versus mode, press WP, MP and HP simultaneously at the versus screen where all four fighters are pictured. Hold those buttons until the match begins to switch the first and second fighters. Alternatively, hold L until the match begins.

Bonus options

To enable bonus items in the options menu, including increasing the speed to eight stars and always having full combo meters, successfully complete the game without losing any rounds.

Continue attacking

To continue attacking your opponent after winning a match, press Start immediately after winning. You can perform any move except team attacks.

Hint: Mech Gouki's moves:

MoveButton sequence
Fireball (can be done in air as a double fireball )Down, Diagonal Down/Forward , then Forward and Punch together.
Dive kick (in air)Down, Diagonal Down/Forward , then Forward and Kick together.
Dragon punchForward, Down, then Diagonal Down/Forward and Punch together.
Hurricane kick (can be done in air)Down, Diagonal Down/Back, then Back and Kick together.
Laser beam super moveDown, Diagonal Down/Back, then hold Back and press Punch, then Punch.
Shadow Dragon super moveDown, Diagonal Down/Forward, then hold Forward and press Punch, then Punch.
Air Fire super moveDown, Diagonal Down/Forward, then hold Forward and press Punch, then Punch.
Raging Demon super move (can be done in air - level 3)LP, LP, Forward, LK, then HP.

Level 3 supers

Shadow (Final Mission)Hold Back for at least 3 seconds or more, then press Forward, Back, then hold Forward and press Punch, then Punch. He dashes forward and punches the opponent in the air. The screen turns white and his opponent comes crashing down.
Evil Sakura, Mech Gouki, and Gouki (Raging Demon)LP, LP, Forward, LK, then HP.
Dan (Suicide Blast)HP, LK, Back, LP, then LP. Dan does great damage to his opponent, but he loses all but 1% of his life bar.
Shuma Gorath (Chaos Dimension)Down, Down/Forward, then hold Forward and press Punch, then Punch. He performs a tornado, which catches the opponent and does great damage.

Pro Action Replay/Game Shark codes

This cheat requires the Pro Action Replay/GameShark cheat device.

Master Code (must be on)F6000914 C321 + B6000B00 0000
Unlimited HP & Invincibility for Player 1160F3A50 0090 + 160F3A5A 0090 + 160F4250 0090 + 160F425A 0090
Unlimited Power for Player 1160F3A54 0300
Unlimited HP & Invincibility for Player 2160F3E50 0090 + 160F3E5A 0090 + 160F4650 0090 + 160F465A 0090
Unlimited Power for Player 2160F3E54 0300
Choose Repeated Characters16017AAA 0001 + 16017AAE 0001
Player 1 first character is Cyclops160F3852 0002
Player 1 first character is Captain America160F3852 0004
Player 1 first character is Hulk160F3852 0006
Player 1 first character is Wolverine160F3852 0008
Player 1 first character is Blackheart160F3852 0010
Player 1 first character is Ryu160F3852 0012
Player 1 first character is Ken160F3852 0014
Player 1 first character is Chun Li160F3852 0016
Player 1 first character is Dhalsim160F3852 0018
Player 1 first character is Zangief160F3852 001A
Player 1 first character is Sakura160F3852 0020
Player 1 first character is Norimaro160F3852 0022
Player 1 first character is Dan160F3852 0024
Player 1 first character is Mech-Gouki160F3852 0026
Player 1 first character is Mega Zangief160F3852 0028
Player 1 first character is Dark Sakura160F3852 002A
Player 1 first character is Mephisto160F3852 0030
Player 1 first character is Silver Spiderman160F3852 0032
Player 1 second character is Cyclops360F4053 0002
Player 1 second character is Captain America360F4053 0004
Player 1 second character is Hulk360F4053 0006
Player 1 second character is Wolverine360F4053 0008
Player 1 second character is Blackheart360F4053 0010
Player 1 second character is Ryu360F4053 0012
Player 1 second character is Ken360F4053 0014
Player 1 second character is Chun Li360F4053 0016
Player 1 second character is Dhalsim360F4053 0018
Player 1 second character is Zangief360F4053 001A
Player 1 second character is Sakura360F4053 0020
Player 1 second character is Norimaro360F4053 0022
Player 1 second character is Dan360F4053 0024
Player 1 second character is Mech-Gouki360F4053 0026
Player 1 second character is Mega Zangief360F4053 0028
Player 1 second character is Dark Sakura360F4053 002A
Player 1 second character is Mephisto360F4053 0030
Player 1 second character is Silver Spiderman360F4053 0032
Player 2 first character is Cyclops160F3852 0002
Player 2 first character is Captain America160F3852 0004
Player 2 first character is Hulk160F3852 0006
Player 2 first character is Wolverine160F3852 0008
Player 2 first character is Blackheart160F3852 0010
Player 2 first character is Ryu160F3852 0012
Player 2 first character is Ken160F3852 0014
Player 2 first character is Chun Li160F3852 0016
Player 2 first character is Dhalsim160F3852 0018
Player 2 first character is Zangief160F3852 001A
Player 2 first character is Sakura160F3852 0020
Player 2 first character is Norimaro160F3852 0022
Player 2 first character is Dan160F3852 0024
Player 2 first character is Mech-Gouki160F3852 0026
Player 2 first character is Mega Zangief160F3852 0028
Player 2 first character is Dark Sakura160F3852 002A
Player 2 first character is Mephisto160F3852 0030
Player 2 first character is Silver Spiderman160F3852 0032
Player 2 second character is Cyclops360F4453 0002
Player 2 second character is Captain America360F4453 0004
Player 2 second character is Hulk360F4453 0006
Player 2 second character is Wolverine360F4453 0008
Player 2 second character is Blackheart360F4453 0010
Player 2 second character is Ryu360F4453 0012
Player 2 second character is Ken360F4453 0014
Player 2 second character is Chun Li360F4453 0016
Player 2 second character is Dhalsim360F4453 0018
Player 2 second character is Zangief360F4453 001A
Player 2 second character is Sakura360F4453 0020
Player 2 second character is Norimaro360F4453 0022
Player 2 second character is Dan360F4453 0024
Player 2 second character is Mech-Gouki360F4453 0026
Player 2 second character is Mega Zangief360F4453 0028
Player 2 second character is Dark Sakura360F4453 002A
Player 2 second character is Mephisto360F4453 0030
Player 2 second character is Silver Spiderman360F4453 0032
Player 2 second character different colours160F4448 0000
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