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For invincibility, quickly press Left, Right, B, C, C, then Start at the title screen.

Invincible armour

For invincible armour, quickly press Down, C, C, A, then Start at the title screen.

Unlimited ammunition

For unlimited ammunition, quickly press B, B, B, C, then Start at the title screen.

Unlimited 120mm cannon ammunition

For unlimited 120mm cannon ammunition, quickly press B, C, C, then C and Start together at the title screen.

Unlimited jump rockets

For unlimited jump rockets, quickly press Up, Right, Down, Left, Z, then Start at the title screen.

No targeting squares

For no targeting squares, quickly press Left, Right, C, A, then Start at the title screen.

No radar

For no radar, quickly press B, B, B, Down, C, then Start at the title screen.

No auto-centring

For no auto-centring, quickly press B, B, B, Up, C, then Start at the title screen. The turret will no longer automatically return to the centre position.

Increased difficulty

For increased difficulty, quickly press Down, C, C, A, then Start at the title screen. Enemies will shoot more aggressively.

Double hit points

For double hit points, quickly press X, Y, Z, Up, Down, then Start at the title screen. Your initial and maximum hit points will be doubled.

Unlimited jumps

For unlimited jumps, quickly press Up, Right, Down, Left, Z, then Start at the title screen. The jump meter will be disabled allowing unlimited jump energy.

Adjust window height

To adjust the window height, quickly press Down, Left, C, C, then Start at the title screen. During the game, press the following buttons on controller 2 to adjust the window height: Z to heighten, C to shorten, or A to reset.

Stage select

For a stage select, quickly press Y, Y, A, Y, Y, then Start at the title screen.

Ramming attack

For a ramming attack, quickly press Right, Right, B, C, A, then Start at the title screen. You can then ram your opponents to damage them; however, this will also result in you receiving damage from the attack.

View ending sequence

To view the ending sequence, press Down, Up, Right, A, Left, then Start at the title screen, then select the "Main Game" option.

Display debug data

To display debug data, pess Right, Right, X, B, A, L, L, L, then R on controller 2. Press Y on controller 2 to select three different settings. Press C on controller 2 rapidly on stages 1 and 10 to spin the windmills.

Pro Action Replay/Game Shark codes

This cheat requires the Pro Action Replay/GameShark cheat device.

Master Code (must be on)F6000914 C305 + B6002800 0000
Start on Kharkov Level160D570A 0000
Start on Kiev Level160D570A 0101
Start on Novosibirsk Level160D570A 0202
Start on Ulan Bator Level160D570A 0303
Start on Datang Level160D570A 0404
Start on Lianyungang Level160D570A 0505
Start on Weifang Level160D570A 0606
Start on East Ural Level160D570A 0707
Start on Training Beginner Level160D570A 0808
Start on Training Expert Level160D570A 0909
Level Select3600E57E 0001
Invincibility3600E571 0001
Charge Enemies3600E577 0001
Double Energy3600E579 0001
Disable Centring on Turret3600E57B 0001
Change Height3600E572 0001
Unlimited Jumps3600E57A 0001
See Ending Sequence3600E57F 0001
Unlimited Gun (Kharkov)160871E4 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Kharkov)160871E6 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Kharkov)160871E8 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Kharkov)160871EA 03E7
Unlimited Time (Kharkov)160871EE 4650
Unlimited Energy (Kharkov)16083268 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Kharkov)16085F5C 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Kharkov)160790A6 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Kharkov)160790A6 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Kharkov)160790A4 0003
Can't Jump (Kharkov)160790A4 0000
Debug Mode (Kharkov)1607958E 0100
Unlimited Gun (Kiev)1608601C 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Kiev)1608601E 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Kiev)16086020 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Kiev)16086022 03E7
Unlimited Time (Kiev)16086026 4650
Unlimited Energy (Kiev)160820A0 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Kiev)16084D94 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Kiev)16077EDE 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Kiev)16077EDE 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Kiev)16077EDC 0003
Can't Jump (Kiev)16077EDC 0000
Debug Mode (Kiev)160782C6 0100
Unlimited Gun (Novosibirsk)16089058 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Novosibirsk)1608905A 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Novosibirsk)1608905C 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Novosibirsk)1608905E 03E7
Unlimited Time (Novosibirsk)16089062 4650
Unlimited Energy (Novosibirsk)160850DC 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Novosibirsk)16087DD0 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Novosibirsk)1607AF1A 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Novosibirsk)1607AF1A 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Novosibirsk)1607AF18 0003
Can't Jump1607AF18 0000
Debug Mode (Novosibirsk)1607B402 0100
Unlimited Gun (Ulan Bator)1608AB88 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Ulan Bator)1608AB8A 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Ulan Bator)1608AB8C 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Ulan Bator)1608AB8E 03E7
Unlimited Time (Ulan Bator)1608AB92 4650
Unlimited Energy (Ulan Bator)16086C0C 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Ulan Bator)16089900 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Ulan Bator)1607CA4A 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Ulan Bator)1607CA4A 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Ulan Bator)1607CA48 0003
Can't Jump (Ulan Bator)1607CA48 0000
Debug Mode (Ulan Bator)1607CF32 0100
Unlimited Gun (Datong)1608A740 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Datong)1608A742 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Datong)1608A744 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Datong)1608A746 03E7
Unlimited Time (Datong)1608A74A 4650
Unlimited Energy (Datong)160867C4 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Datong)160894B8 0038
Unlimited Jumps (Datong)1607C600 0003
Can't Jump (Datong)1607C600 0000
Debug Mode (Datong)1607CAEA 0100
Unlimited Gun (Lianyungang)16088FC0 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Lianyungang)16088FC2 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Lianyungang)16088FC4 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Lianyungang)16088FC6 03E7
Unlimited Time (Lianyungang)16088FCA 4650
Unlimited Energy (Lianyungang)16085044 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Lianyungang)16087D38 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Lianyungang)1607AE82 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Lianyungang)1607AE82 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Lianyungang)1607AE80 0003
Can't Jump (Lianyungang)1607AE80 0000
Debug Mode (Lianyungang)1607B36A 0100
Unlimited Gun (Weifang)16088BB8 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Weifang)16088BBA 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Weifang)16088BBC 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Weifang)16088BBE 03E7
Unlimited Time (Weifang)16088BC2 4650
Unlimited Energy (Weifang)16084C3C 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Weifang)16087930 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Weifang)1607AA7A 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Weifang)1607AA7A 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Weifang)1607AA78 0003
Can't Jump (Weifang)1607AA78 0000
Debug Mode (Weifang)1607AF62 0100
Unlimited Gun (East Ural)16082D34 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (East Ural)16082D36 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (East Ural)16082D38 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (East Ural)16082D3A 03E7
Unlimited Time (East Ural)16082D3E 4650
Unlimited Energy (East Ural)1607EDB8 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (East Ural)16081AAC 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (East Ural)16074BF6 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (East Ural)16074BF6 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (East Ural)16074BF4 0003
Can't Jump (East Ural)16074BF4 0000
Debug Mode (East Ural)160750DE 0100
Unlimited Gun (Training Beginner)1607F7A8 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Training Beginner)1607F7AA 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Training Beginner)1607F7AC 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Training Beginner)1607F7AE 03E7
Unlimited Time (Training Beginner)1607F7B2 4650
Unlimited Energy (Training Beginner)1607B82C 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Training Beginner)1607E520 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Training Beginner)1607166A 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Training Beginner)1607166A 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Training Beginner)16071668 0003
Can't Jump (Training Beginner)16071668 0000
Debug Mode (Training Beginner)16071B52 0100
Unlimited Gun (Training Expert)16083DC4 03E7
Machine Gun Never Overheats (Training Expert)16083DC6 0000
Unlimited Rocket Pod (Training Expert)16083DC8 03E7
Unlimited Anti-Tank Missiles (Training Expert)16083DCA 03E7
Unlimited Time (Training Expert)16083DCE 4650
Unlimited Energy (Training Expert)1607FE48 05DC
Can't Fire Anti-Tank Missiles (Training Expert)16082B3C 0038
Jump Meter Never Fills (Training Expert)16075C86 0000
Jump Meter is Always Full (Training Expert)16075C86 04AA
Unlimited Jumps (Training Expert)16075C84 0003
Can't Jump (Training Expert)16075C84 0000

Pro Action Replay/Game Shark codes (Japanese version)

This cheat requires the Pro Action Replay/GameShark cheat device.

Master Code (must be on)F6000914 C305 + B6002800 0000
Unlimited Gun Ammo (Kharkov)160873B0 00FF
Keep Machine Gun Cool (Kharkov)160873B2 0000
Unlimited AP (Kharkov)160873B4 00FF
Unlimited ATM (Kharkov)160873B6 00FF
Invincibility (Kharkov)16083434 05DC
Invincibility (Kiev)16082264 05DC
Unlimited Gun Ammo (Novosibirsk)16088F60 00FF
Keep Machine Gun Cool (Novosibirsk)16088F62 0000
Unlimited AP (Novosibirsk)16088F64 00FF
Unlimited ATM (Novosibirsk)16088F66 00FF
Invincibility (Novosibirsk)16084FE4 05DC
Unlimited Gun Ammo (Uran Batol)1608AA90 00FF
Keep Machine Gun Cool (Uran Batol)1608AA92 0000
Unlimited AP (Uran Batol)1608AA94 00FF
Unlimited ATM (Uran Batol)1608A966 00FF
Invincibility (Uran Batol)16086B14 05DC
Unlimited Gun Ammo (Datong)1608A658 00FF
Keep Machine Gun Cool (Datong)1608A65A 0000
Unlimited AP (Datong)1608A65C 00FF
Unlimited ATM (Datong)1608A65E 00FF
Invincibility (Datong)160866DC 05DC
Unlimited Gun Ammo (Lianyungang)16088EC8 00FF
Keep Machine Gun Cool (Lianyungang)16088ECA 0000
Unlimited AP (Lianyungang)16088ECC 00FF
Unlimited ATM (Lianyungang)16088ECE 00FF
Invincibility (Lianyungang)16084F4C 05DC
Unlimited Gun Ammo (Weifang)16088AC0 00FF
Keep Machine Gun Cool (Weifang)16088AC2 0000
Unlimited AP (Weifang)16088AC4 00FF
Unlimited ATM (Weifang)16088AC6 00FF
Invincibility (Weifang)16084B44 05DC
Unlimited Gun Ammo (East Ural)16082C58 00FF
Keep Machine Gun Cool (East Ural)16082C5A 0000
Unlimited AP (East Ural)16082C5C 00FF
Unlimited ATM (East Ural)16082C5E 00FF
Invincibility (East Ural)1607ECDC 05DC
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