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Mega Man III

Cheats, codes, hints, tips, tricks, Easter eggs and game help

This title is also known as:

Freeze Opponents

Hold Up and A on controller two to freeze opponents. This cheat will not work on the Mega Man 2 bosses that you are up against after defeating the eight robot masters. Instead, it will freeze you and not your opponent.

Slow Motion

Hold Up on controller 2 for slow motion.

Higher Jumping

Hold Right on controller 2 to jump higher.

Walk through pitfalls

Hold Right on controller 2 to walk over pitfalls. This also allows you to jump higher to get out of pitfalls. This cheat will only work of the pitfalls are fairly long.


Hold Right while jumping into a pitfall and intentionally get killed by an enemy in the pitfall. When you hear the sound to indicate that Mega Man has died, jump out of the pitfall and you will be invincible as long as an energy booster is not collected. You cannot use your regular gun while invincible but the spark shot and needle are still active.

All weapons, items, 9 energy tanks and no Dr Wily Robots

Enter the following password to start with all weapons, all items, 9 energy tanks and no Dr. Wily Robots.

1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - blue dot - - Red Dot
B - - - - blue dot -
C - - - - - -
D - - blue dot - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot - -


Top Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - red dot - - -
B - - - - - -
C - - - - red dot -
D - - - - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - - - -
Shadow Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - red dot - - -
B - - - - red dot -
C - - - - - -
D - - - - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot - -
Spark Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - red dot - - -
B - - - - - -
C - - - - red dot -
D - - - - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot - -
Magnet Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - red dot - - -
B - - - - red dot -
C - - - - - -
D - - - - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot red dot -
Hard Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - red dot - - -
B - - - - - -
C - - - red dot red dot -
D - - - - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot red dot -
Gemini Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - red dot - - -
B - - - - blue dot -
C - - - - red dot -
D - - - - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot red dot -
Needle Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - red dot - - -
B - - - - blue dot -
C - - - - - -
D - - blue dot - - -
E - - - - - red dot
F - - - blue dot - -
Snake Man
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - blue dot - - -
B - - - - blue dot -
C - - - - red dot -
D - - blue dot - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot - -
Gemini Man Revisited
1 2 3 4 5 6
A - - blue dot - - -
B - - - - blue dot red dot
C - - - - - -
D - - blue dot - - -
E - - - - - red dot
F - - - blue dot - -
Spark Man Revisited
1 2 3 4 5 6
A red dot - blue dot - - -
B - - - - blue dot red dot
C - - - - - -
D - - blue dot blue dot - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - - - -
Needle Man Revisited
1 2 3 4 5 6
A red dot - blue dot - - -
B - blue dot - - blue dot -
C - - - - red dot -
D - - blue dot - - -
E - - - - - -
F - - - blue dot - -
Shadow Man Revisited
1 2 3 4 5 6
A blue dot - blue dot - - -
B - blue dot - - blue dot -
C - - - - red dot -
D - - blue dot - - -
E red dot - - - - -
F - - - blue dot - -
Dr. Wily
1 2 3 4 5 6
A blue dot - blue dot - - red dot
B - blue dot - - blue dot -
C - - - - - -
D - - blue dot - - -
E red dot - - - - -
F - - - blue dot - -

Pro Action Replay Codes

This cheat requires the Pro Action Replay cheat device.

Infinite Lives0000 AE09

Game Genie Codes

This cheat requires the Game Genie cheat device.

Infinite Energy TanksNXVKGAEO
Start with 9 livesAENKKAZE
Start with 6 livesIENKKAZA
Start with 1 lifeAENKKAZA
9 lives after continueAAOONPZE
6 lives after continueIAOONPZA
1 life after continuePAOONPZA
Infinite Magnet MissilesVXVKGAEP
Infinite Snake SearchEXVKGAEO
Infinite Hard KnuckleSXVKGAEP
Infinite Shadow BladeKXVKGAEO
Infinite Rush MarineUXVKGAEO
Infinite Needle CannonKXVKGAEP
Infinite Top SpinNXVKGAEP
Infinite Spark ShockXXVKGAEO
Infinite Gemini LaserUXVKGAEP
Higher JumpingYEUKOTGA
Longer slidesASXSTLGP
Faster slidesNNKIALEE
Faster speedNYKGXSGK
Extra fast speedZAKGNIPA
No Enemies (cannot complete level as there is no boss)VOVKGAEO

Hint: Suggested opponent order

Magnet, Hard, Top, Shadow, Spark, Snake, Gemini, Needle, "Spark", "Shadow", "Gemini", then "Needle".

Glitch: Misspelling

After defeating Shadow, Gemini, Spark, and Needle, there will be an intermission sequence in which Dr. Light is talking to Mega Man. At one point, he will say "Dr. Wiley took GAMMA". In all of the other Mega Man games on NES/Famicom, Dr. Wily is spelled without an "e".

Hint: Get Rush Jet immediately

To get Rush Jet without having to defeat Needle Man, you must first defeat Shadow Man. Then, in the next stage, pause the game, highlight Shadow Man's weapon, and press Right. No weapon will be highlighted, but you will see Rush's icon above the next symbol. Press Start to unpause the game and you will then be using the Rush Jet, except with no energy. Collect a weapon capsule in this form and then use any amount of its energy. Pause the game again and you will see that the Rush Jet is freely accessible from this point forward. You can also do a similar trick to get the Rush Marine, but you will need to defeat Spark Man. You can only get the instant access for it if you are in Gemini Man's stage as the Rush Marine can only be used under water.

Hint: Protoman's whistle

Press Start to pause the game while Protoman whistles to hear the full tune. Note: This must be done while Megaman is still controllable.

Hint: Recommended order and weapons

Below is a recommended order in which to fight the bosses along with recommended weapons to use against them.

Magnet Man (uses Magnet Missile)Use the Arm Cannon (Mega Man's weapon).
Hard Man (uses Hard Knuckle)Use the Magnet Missile (Magnet Man's weapon).
Top Man (uses Top Spin)Four hits with the Hard Knuckle will defeat him.
Shadow Man (uses Shadow Blade)Four direct hits with the Top Spin (Top Man's weapon) will defeat him.
Spark Man (uses Spark Shock)Seven hits with the Shadow Blade (Shadow Man's weapon) will defeat him.
Snake Man (uses Search Snake)Use the Arm Cannon.
Gemini Man (uses Gemini Laser)Use Search Snake (Snake Man's weapon).
Needle Man (uses Needle Cannon)Four hits with the Gemini Laser (Gemini Man's weapon) will defeat him.
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