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Final Fantasy

Cheats, codes, hints, tips, tricks, Easter eggs and game help

Hidden Puzzle Game

To access the hidden puzzle game, enter the ship, hold A and press B 55 times. Arrange the tiles in order from 1 to 15 to get 100 gold.

Display the map

To see the map, press Select and B at the same time.

Game Genie Codes

Many of these codes will only work in a new game, not when retrieving a saved game. Some will also not work when combined with others.

This cheat requires the Game Genie cheat device.

Repel enemiesOOTPVP
See all fighters' statusAEAGGN
Advance level after each battleOOPTOV
Life Spell won't use Magic PointsSZULIEVS
Life Spell won't use up Magic PointsSZVULEVS
Magic Users start with 6 Magic PointsTESGTYZA
Magic Users start with 9 Magic PointsPESGTYZE
Non-magic users can use Level 1 MagicELEXVLEY + AESGANGA + AESGGNAA
Start with 800 GoldAZOUGAEP + LAOUIAPA
Double Fighter Hit PointsTGKLPALZ
Double Fighter's HitGPKUAEZA
Double Fighter's EvadeZTKUPAIU
Double Fighter's LuckZAKLTAIE
Double Thief's Hit PointsGLSLPETO
Triple Thief's DamageTASLYAZA
Double Thief's HitZASUAAIE
Double Thief's EvadeGYSUPEZL
Double Thief's LuckTPSLTEYE
Double Black Belt's Hit PointsZGVLPAPZ
Triple Black Belt's DamageTAVLYAZA
Double Black Belt's HitZAVUAAIE
Double Black Belt's EvadeZTVUPAIU
Double Black Belt's LuckZAVLTAIE
Double Red Mage's Hit PointsGLNLPETO
Double Red Mage's DamageZANLYAIE
Double Red Mage's HitTANUAAYE
Double Red Mage's EvadeGYNUPEZL
Double Red Mage's LuckZANLTAIE
Double White Mage's Hit PointsAUELPEGO
Triple White Mage's DamageTEELYAZA
Double White Mage's HitZEEUAAIE
Double White Mage's EvadeZVEUPAIU
Double White Mage's LuckZEELTAIE
Double Black Mage's Hit PointsZUOLPEPP
Triple Black Mage's DamageLEOLYAPA
Double Black Mage's HitZEOUAAIE
Double Black Mage's EvadeGNOUPEZL
Double Black Mage's LuckGOOLTEZA
Almost unlimited goldGXSZPKSV + GXSXZKSV
Cloth will cast Level 5 FIR3 Spell when used as item in battleIZKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 5 BANE Spell when used as item in battleTZKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 5 HEL3 Spell when used as item in battleGLKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 6 LIT3 Spell when used as item in battleIZKALPAE
Cloth will cast Level 6 RUB Spell when used as item in battleTZKALPAE
Cloth will cast Level 6 INV2 Spell when used as item in battleGZKALPAE
Cloth will cast Level 7 ICE3 Spell when used as item in battleILKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 7 BRAK Spell when used as item in battleTLKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 7 CUR4 Spell when used as item in battlePLKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 7 HRM4 Spell when used as item in battleZLKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 8 NUKE Spell when used as item in battleILKALPAE
Cloth will cast Level 8 XXXX Spell when used as item in battleAGKALPAA
Cloth will cast Level 8 ZAP! Spell when used as item in battleYLKALPAE
Cloth will cast Level 8 WALL Spell when used as item in battleLLKALPAE
Cloth will cast Level 8 FADE Spell when used as item in battleZLKALPAE
Wooden Armour will cast Level 5 FIR3 Spell when used as item in battleIZKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 5 BANE Spell when used as item in battleTZKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 6 LIT3 Spell when used as item in battleIZKAYPAE
Wooden Armour will cast Level 6 RUB Spell when used as item in battleTZKAYPAE
Wooden Armour will cast Level 6 INV2 Spell when used as item in battleGZKAYPAE
Wooden Armour will cast Level 7 CUR3 Spell when used as item in battlePLKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 7 HEL3 Spell when used as item in battleGLKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 7 HRM4 Spell when used as item in battleZLKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 7 ICE3 Spell when used as item in battleILKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 7 BRAK Spell when used as item in battleTLKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 8 NUKE Spell when used as item in battleILKAYPAE
Wooden Armour will cast Level 8 XXXX Spell when used as item in battleAGKAYPAA
Wooden Armour will cast Level 8 ZAP! Spell when used as item in battleYLKAYPAE
Wooden Armour will cast Level 8 WALL Spell when used as item in battleLLKAYPAE
Wooden Armour will cast Level 8 FADE Spell when used as item in battleZLKAYPAE
Chain Armour will cast Level 5 FIR3 Spell when used as item in battleIZKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 5 BANE Spell when used as item in battleTZKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 6 LIT3 Spell when used as item in battleIZKELPAE
Chain Armour will cast Level 6 RUB Spell when used as item in battleTZKELPAE
Chain Armour will cast Level 6 INV2 Spell when used as item in battleGZKELPAE
Chain Armour will cast Level 7 CUR4 Spell when used as item in battlePLKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 7 HEL3 Spell when used as item in battleGLKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 7 HRM4 Spell when used as item in battleZLKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 7 ICE3 Spell when used as item in battleILKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 7 BRAK Spell when used as item in battleTLKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 8 NUKE Spell when used as item in battleILKELPAE
Chain Armour will cast Level 8 XXXX Spell when used as item in battleAGKELPAA
Chain Armour will cast Level 8 ZAP! Spell when used as item in battleYLKELPAE
Chain Armour will cast Level 8 WALL Spell when used as item in battleLLKELPAE
Chain Armour will cast Level 8 FADE Spell when used as item in battleZLKELPAE
Heal Potion costs nothingAAULXKGL
Pure Potion costs nothingAAULKKLG
Tents cost nothingAAXUKKLG
Cabins cost nothingAAXUVKXY
Houses cost nothingAAULOKLA + AAULEKEL
Accommodation at Coneria Inn costs nothingAEXATUTP
Accommodation at the Pravoka Inn costs nothingAEKAILZL
Accommodation at the Elfland Inn costs nothingAENAALGT
Accommodation at the Melmond Inn costs nothingAAEETGGT
Accommodation at the Crescent Lake costs nothingAAXEPKEG
Coneria Clinic costs nothingAEXALUAZ
Pravoka Clinic costs nothingAEKAZLAI
Elfland Clinin costs nothingAEVEIUEG
Steel Armour costs 200 goldAEOLOKNZ
Gold Bracelet costs 80 goldAEXLOGUG
Cat Claw costs 232 goldAANUSKSY
Pro Ring costs 32 goldAESLNKTG
Houses cost 184 goldAAULOKLA
Soft Potion costs 32 goldAAULNGLA
Lute from Coneria Town shop costs nothingPEXEZUZP
Crown from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingZEXEZUZP
Crystal from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingLEXEZUZP
Herb from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingGEXEZUZP
Key from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingIEXEZUZP
TNT from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingTEXEZUZP
Adamant from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingYEXEZUZP
Slab from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingAEXEZUZO
Ruby from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingPEXEZUZO
Rod from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingZEXEZUZO
Floater from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingLEXEZUZO
Chime from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingGEXEZUZO
Tail from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingIEXEZUZO
Cube from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingTEXEZUZO
Oxyale from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingAOXEZUZP
Canoe from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingPOXEZUZP
1st Orb from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingZOXEZUZP
2nd Orb from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingLOXEZUZP
3rd Orb from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingGOXEZUZP
4th Orb from the Coneria Town shop costs nothingIOXEZUZP
Pure from the Coneria Town shop costs 75 goldZOXEZUZO
Cabin from the Coneria Town shop costs 250 goldYOXEZUZP
Soft from the Coneria Town shop costs 800 goldLOXEZUZO
House from the Coneria Town shop costs 3 000 goldAOXEZUZO
Bottle from the Coneria Town shop costs 50 000 goldYEXEZUZO
Short Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 550 goldPXEEYUTP
Hand Axe from the Coneria Town shop costs 550 goldZXEEYUTP
Scimatar from the Coneria Town shop costs 200 goldLXEEYUTP
Iron Nunchakus from the Coneria Town shop costs 200 goldGXEEYUTP
Large Dagger from the Coneria Town shop costs 175 goldIXEEYUTP
Iron Staff from the Coneria Town shop costs 200 goldTXEEYUTP
Sabre from the Coneria Town shop costs 450 goldYXEEYUTP
Long Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldAXEEYUTO
Great Axe from the Coneria Town shop costs 2000 goldPXEEYUTO
Falchon from the Coneria Town shop costs 450 goldZXEEYUTO
Silver Knife from the Coneria Town shop costs 800 goldLXEEYUTO
Silver Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldGXEEYUTO
Silver Hammer from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 500 goldIXEEYUTO
Silver Axe from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 500 goldTXEEYUTO
Flame Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 10 000 goldYXEEYUTO
Ice Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 15 000 goldAUEEYUTP
Dragon Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldPUEEYUTP
Giant Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldZUEEYUTP
Sun Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldLUEEYUTP
Coral Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldGUEEYUTP
Were Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 6 000 goldIUEEYUTP
Rune Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 5 000 goldTUEEYUTP
Power Staff from the Coneria Town shop costs 12 345 goldYUEEYUTP
Light Axe from the Coneria Town shop costs 10 000 goldAUEEYUTO
Heal Staff from the Coneria Town shop costs 25 000 goldPUEEYUTO
Mage Staff from the Coneria Town shop costs 25 000 goldZUEEYUTO
Defence from the Coneria Town shop costs 40 000 goldLUEEYUTO
Wizard Staff from the Coneria Town shop costs 50 000 goldGUEEYUTO
Vorpal from the Coneria Town shop costs 30 000 goldIUEEYUTO
Cat Claw from the Coneria Town shop costs 65 000 goldTUEEYUTO
Thor Hammer from the Coneria Town shop costs 40 000 goldYUEEYUTO
Bane Sword from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldAKEEYUTP
Katana from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldPKEEYUTP
Xcaliber from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldZKEEYUTP
Masume from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldLKEEYUTP
Iron Armour from the Coneria Town shop costs 800 goldYKOAILGG
Steel Armour from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldAKOAILGK
Silver Armour from the Coneria Town shop costs 7 500 goldPKOAILGK
Flame Armour from the Coneria Town shop costs 30 000 goldZKOAILGK
Ice Armour from the Coneria Town shop costs 30 000 goldLKOAILGK
Iron Armour from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldGKOAILGK
Dragon Armour from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldIKOAILGK
Copper Bracelet from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 000 goldTKOAILGK
Silver Bracelet from the Coneria Town shop costs 5 000 goldYKOAILGK
Gold Bracelet from the Coneria Town shop costs 50 000 goldASOAILGG
Opal Bracelet from the Coneria Town shop costs 65 000 goldPSOAILGG
White Shirt from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 goldZSOAILGG
Black Shirt from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 goldLSOAILGG
Wooden Shield from the Coneria Town shop costs 15 goldGSOAILGG
Iron Shield from the Coneria Town shop costs 100 goldISOAILGG
Silver Shield from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 500 goldTSOAILGG
Flame Shield from the Coneria Town shop costs 10 000 goldYSOAILGG
Ice Shield from the Coneria Town shop costs 10 000 goldASOAILGK
Opal Shield from the Coneria Town shop costs 15 000 goldPSOAILGK
Aegis from the Coneria Town shop costs 800 goldZSOAILGK
Buckler from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 500 goldLSOAILGK
Pro Cape from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldGSOAILGK
Cap from the Coneria Town shop costs 80 goldISOAILGK
Wooden Helmet from the Coneria Town shop costs 100 goldTSOAILGK
Iron Helmet from the Coneria Town shop costs 450 goldYSOAILGK
Silver Helmet from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 500 goldAVOAILGG
Opal Helmet from the Coneria Town shop costs 10 000 goldPVOAILGG
Heal Helmet from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldZVOAILGG
Ribbon from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 goldLVOAILGG
Gloves from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 goldGVOAILGG
Copper Gauntlet from the Coneria Town shop costs 200 goldIVOAILGG
Iron Gauntlet from the Coneria Town shop costs 750 goldTVOAILGG
Silver Gauntlet from the Coneria Town shop costs 2 500 goldYVOAILGG
Zeus Gauntlet from the Coneria Town shop costs 15 000 goldAVOAILGK
Power Gauntlet from the Coneria Town shop costs 10 000 goldPVOAILGK
Opal Gauntlet from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldZVOAILGK
Pro Ring from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldLVOAILGK
Level 2 ICE from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldKUOETLKU
Level 2 DARK from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldSUOETLKU
Level 2 TMPR from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldVUOETLKU
Level 2 SLOW from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldNUOETLKU
Level 2 LAMP from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldEUOEPLEU
Level 2 UTE from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldOUOEPLEU
Level 2 ALIT from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldXUOEPLEU
Level 2 INVS from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldUUOEPLEU
Level 3 FIR2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldKKOETLKL
Level 3 HOLD from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldSKOETLKL
Level 3 LIT2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldVKOETLKL
Level 3 LOK2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldNKOETLKL
Level 3 CUR2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldEKOEPLEL
Level 3 HRM2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldOKOEPLEL
Level 3 AFIR from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldXKOEPLEL
Level 3 HEAL from the Coneria Town shop costs 1 500 goldUKOEPLEL
Level 4 SLP2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldKKOETLKU
Level 4 FAST from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldSKOETLKU
Level 4 CONF from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldVKOETLKU
Level 4 ICE2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldNKOETLKU
Level 4 PURE from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldEKOEPLEU
Level 4 FEAR Lamp from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldOKOEPLEU
Level 4 AICE from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldXKOEPLEU
Level 4 AMUT from the Coneria Town shop costs 4 000 goldUKOEPLEU
Level 5 FIR3 from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldKSOETLKL
Level 5 BANE from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldSSOETLKL
Level 5 WARP from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldVSOETLKL
Level 5 SLO2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldNSOETLKL
Level 5 CUR3 from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldESOEPLEL
Level 5 LIFE from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldOSOEPLEL
Level 5 HRM3 from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldXSOEPLEL
Level 5 HEL2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 8 000 goldUSOEPLEL
Level 6 LIT3 from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldKSOETLKU
Level 6 RUB from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldSSOETLKU
Level 6 QAKE from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldVSOETLKU
Level 6 STUN from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldNSOETLKU
Level 6 SOFT from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldESOEPLEU
Level 6 EXIT from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldOSOEPLEU
Level 6 FOG2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldXSOEPLEU
Level 6 INV2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 20 000 goldUSOEPLEU
Level 7 ICE3 from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldKVOETLKL
Level 7 BRAK from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldSVOETLKL
Level 7 SABR from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldVVOETLKL
Level 7 BLND from the Coneria Town shop costs 400 goldNVOETLKL
Level 7 CUR4 from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldEVOEPLEL
Level 7 HRM4 from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldOVOEPLEL
Level 7 ARUB from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldXVOEPLEL
Level 7 HEL3 from the Coneria Town shop costs 45 000 goldUVOEPLEL
Level 8 NUKE from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldKVOETLKU
Level 8 STOP from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldSVOETLKU
Level 8 ZAP! from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldVVOETLKU
Level 8 XXXX from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldNVOETLKU
Level 8 LIF2 from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldEVOEPLEU
Level 8 FADE from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldOVOEPLEU
Level 8 WALL from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldXVOEPLEU
Level 8 FEAR from the Coneria Town shop costs 60 000 goldUVOEPLEU
ST from Coneria Town shop costs nothing (un-equip ST to get 122 Evade. Re-equip to get 64 Absorb)VNOAILGK
Lute from Coneria Town shop costs nothing (un-equip Lute to get 225 Damage and 226 Hit)PEEEYUTP
20G from Coneria Town shop costs 20 gold (With 192 Absorb)IVOAILGK
Cloth's absorption is 90ZIKAPPPE
Wooden Armour's absorption is 90ZIKAIPGE
Chain Armour's absorption is 90ZIKEPOYE
Cloth's evasion is 33%PZKAAPZA
Wooden Armour's evasion is 33%PZKAGOAA
Chain Armour's evasion is 33%PZKEAOYA
Level 1 FIRE spell works on all enemiesPAEALZZA
Level 1 LOCK spell works on all enemiesPAOALZZA
Level 1 LIT spell works on all enemiesPAOELZZA
Level 2 ICE spell works on all enemiesPAKALZZA
Level 3 HOLD spell works on all enemiesPEEELZZA
Level 4 SLP2 spell works on all enemiesPEKALZZA
Level 5 SLO2 spell works on all enemiesPAOELLZA
Level 6 RUB spell works on all enemiesPAKELLZA
Level 6 STUN spell works on all enemiesPASELLZA
Level 7 BRAK spell works on all enemiesPEEELLZA
Level 7 BLND spell works on all enemiesPEOELLZA
Level 8 XXXX spell works on all enemiesPESELLZA
Level 1 FIRE spell as powerful as Level 3 FIR2PAEALZZA + TPEAPXZE
Level 1 FIRE spell as powerful as Level 5 FIR3PAEALZZA + ZLEAPXZA
Level 1 FIRE spell as powerful more powerful than Level 5 FIR3PAEALZZA + VAEAPXZA
Level 3 FIR2 spell as powerful as Level 5 FIR3ZUEAPXTP
Level 3 FIR2 spell as powerful more powerful than Level 5 FIR3VEEAPXTP
Level 5 FIR3 spell more powerfulVAEAPLZL
Level 1 SLEP spell more powerful than Level 4 SLP2AGEEAXAP
Level 1 LIT spell as powerful as Level 6 LIT3PAOELZZA + GLOEPXZE
Level 1 LIT spell more powerful than Level 6 LIT3PAOELZZA + VAOEPXZA
Level 1 HARM spell more powerful than FIR3PEVEGPZA + KEVEPPGP
Level 3 LIT2 spell as powerful as Level 6 LIT3GUOAPXTO
Level 3 LIT2 spell as powerful more powerful than level 6 LIT3VEOAPXTP
Level 2 ICE spell as powerful as Level 4 ICE2 spellPAKALZZA + AZKAPZGO
Level 2 ICE spell as powerful as Level 7 ICE3 spellPAKALZZA + TGKAPZGP
Level 2 ICE spell more powerful than Level 7 ICE3 spellPAKALZZA + VAKAPZGP
Level 1 CURE spell as powerful as Level 5 CUR3ZKVAPPAP
Level 1 CURE spell as powerful as Level 7 CUR4AEVAPPAP + YEVAGPYE
Level 1 HARM spell as powerful as Level 5 HRM3GUVEPPGO
Level 3 HEAL spell as powerful as HEL2ALNEPXGA
Level 1 CURE spell will recover all HP for all party membersAEVAPPAP + YEVAGPYE + AEVALPAO
Level 3 CUR2 spell as powerful as Level 5 CUR3ZGVAPZPZ
Level 3 CUR2 spell as powerful as Level 7 CUR4AAVAPZPZ + YAVAGZYE
Level 4 ICE2 spell as powerful as Level 7 ICE 3TKSEPXAZ
Level 4 ICE 2 spell more powerful than Level 7 ICE3VESEPXAZ
Level 2 TMPR spell works for all party membersAASALZAO
Level 4 FAST spell works for all party membersAEKELZAO
Level 1 CURE spell works for all party membersAEVALPAO
Level 3 CUR3 spell works for all party membersAAVALZAO
Level 5 CUR3 spell works for all party membersAEVALZAO
Level 1 FOG spell works for all party membersAENALPAO
Level 2 INVS spell works for all party membersAAUELZAO
Level 1 HARM spell works like Level 6 STUN and on all enemiesLEVEGPZA
Level 1 HARM spell works like Level 3 FIR2PEVEGPZA
Level 1 HARM spell works like Level 5 FIR3PEVEGPZA + ZUVEPPGP
Level 1 HARM spell works like Level 6 RUB and on all enemiesAEVEZPAE + LEVEGPZA + PEVEPPGP
Level 1 CURE spell works like Level 2 TMPRIEVAGPYE
Level 1 CURE spell works like Level 2 TMPR for all party membersIEVAGPYE + AEVALPAO
Level 1 FOG spell works like Level 4 FASTAENAPOAA + GENAGOPE
Level 3 CUR2 spell will recover all HP for all party membersAAVAPZPZ + YAVAGZYE + AAVALZAO
16 experience points from defeating ImpsZPXAAITA
100 experience points from defeating ImpsGTXAAITA
250 experience points from defeating Imps (For use at level 3 or higher)XYXAAITE
1025 experience points from defeating Imps (For use at higher levels in the game)GAXAPIAA
5120 experience points from defeating Imps (For use at higher levels in the game)GPXAPIAA
15 104 experience points from defeating Imps (For use at higher levels in the game)LLXAPIAE
100 experience points from defeating Wolves (For use at level 3 or higher)GTKEASAP
250 experience points from defeating WolvesXYKEASAO
250 experience points from defeating Creeps (For use at level 3 or higher)XNVEGVYU
250 experience points from defeating Sahags (For use at level 3 or higher)XYOAAVTO
250 experience points from defeating Kyokus (For use at level 3 or higher)XYVAAVGU
1165 experience points from defeating Arachnids (For use at level 3 or higher)GEVEOZAA
Small Knife inflicts 120 damageAYEEPAIE
Small Knife inflicts 125 damageIYEEAEZE
Wooden Nunchakus inflict 127 damageYYEAPEGE
Wooden Nunchakus inflict 127 damageTTEAAAAE
Wooden Staff inflicts 121 damagePYOAPATE
Rapier inflicts 124 damageGYOEPEPE
Wooden Staff hit percentage is 110TTOAAAAE
Rapier hit percentage is 120AYOEAAIE
Creeps easier to defeatPENAAVAL
Ogres easier to defeatPAKAAYGT
Grey Wolves easier to defeatPAVAASAG
Arachnids easier to defeatPEVEKZAG
Giants easier to defeatPESEAIEY
Sharks easier to defeatPANEAVAY
Sahags easier to defeatPAXEATAG
Kyzokus easier to defeatPAVAGTZL
Garlans easier to defeatPASEESZT
Astos easier to defeatPENEESEZ
Lich easier to defeat (Only works in Earth Cave)AANAOTPA
Lich much easier to defeat(Only works in Earth Cave)AANAOTPA + PANAETEP
Kary easier to defeat (Only works in Gurgu Volcano)AEOEOTZA
Kary much easier to defeat (only works in Temple of Fiends Revisited)AEXESTZA
Kraken easier to defeatAEKAOTLA (Only works in Sea Shrine)
Tiamat easier to defeatAEVEOTLA (Only works in the Sky Castle)
Tiamat much easier to defeat (Only works in the Sky Castle)AEVEOTLA + PEVEEVET
Tiamit easier to defeat (only works in Temple of Fiends Revisited)AENESTGA
Chaos easier to defeatAAOAOYYA
Chaos much easier to defeatAAOAOYYA + PAOAEYEI
Kraken easier to defeat (only works in Temple of Fiends Revisited)AESASTLA
255 gold from defeating ImpsNYXAZITE
3060 gold from defeating ImpsGAXALIAE
255 gold from defeating WolvesNYKEZITE
3060 gold from defeating WolvesGAKELIAE
255 gold from defeating WerewolvesNYNAZILK
3060 gold from defeating WerewolvesGANALIAE
255 gold from defeating Odd EyesNNOETVZE
3060 gold from defeating Odd EyesGEOEYTAE
255 gold from defeating SahagsNYOAZVTO
3060 gold from defeating SahagsGAOALTAE
255 gold from defeating SharksNYNATTZK
3060 gold from defeating SharksGANAYTAE
First treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds 65 000 goldNZXUGOZO
First treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds CanoePPXUGOZP
First treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds HouseAPXUGOZO
First treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds BottleYAXUGOZO
Second treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds 65 000 goldNZXUIOPO
Second treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds Opal ArmourGGXUIOPO
Second treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds Opal BraceletPIXUIOPP
Second treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds Aegis ShieldZIXUIOPO
Third treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds 65 000 goldNZXULOPO
Third treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds Mage StaffZLXULOPO
Third treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds Xcaliber goldZGXULOPP
Third treasure chest in Matoya's Cave holds Masmune goldLGXULOPP

Easter Egg: Dragon Warrior reference

Find the three tombs located next to the white magic shop in Elfland. The tombstone farthest to the left reads:

Here lies Erdrick 873-866 R.I.P.

This is a reference to a character in the game "Dragon Warrior".

Hint: Easy experience and money

To get some easy experience, head to the two space wide peninsula found to the north-east of the port town of Provaka. The enemies there are from the Northern Continent and offer a lot experience if defeated. They will be difficult to defeat unless you are around levels 12 or 13.

Another way to receive experience (and money) is to go back to the first town as soon as you reach the ship. Spend a night in that first town, then switch off the game. Switch it back on again, continue your game, go directly to your ship and head south. You will meet one to six Kyzuku. Go back to town, save, switch off the power, and repeat as many times as desired. Note: This does not work if use the Reset button; you must turn off the power.

Hint: Adamant location

The location of the Adamant needed for Excalibur is in the tower in the sky. To obtain it, you will need the chime and the cube. Go in the tower and continue to the place with eight ways to travel. Go in the bottom left diagonal direction and fight the enemy that guards it. Open the treasure chest to get the Adamant.

Hint: Level up White Mages

In Astos' Castle, the north-west castle, is a room with three treasure chests guarded by Undeads. The two upper ones are Mummies. Use two Harm spells to defeat them and get 150 to 300 experience, and 600 to 1200 experience for using just two spells. This is most useful immediately after getting the key from the elf prince.

Hint: Zeus Glove

To obtain The Zeus Glove, go to Bahamut's cave. Once you first enter, go to the bottom left part. The Zeus Glove will appear in the items screen if you are lucky. There is a 1 in 300 chance of you finding it.

Hint: Invisible guard in castle

In the first castle encountered in the game, Castle Coneria, there is a room above Queen Jane's room that appears to have no one inside. Search around the room and you will realise that you can talk to someone there even though you cannot see him/her. After you rescue the princess, the message will change as a result.

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